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  • LM Security Consultants

Cyber Essentials FAQs

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

If you're new to Cyber Essentials, you're going to have some questions. We've complied our list below for the most common questions that we've received whilst working with clients to achieve Cyber Essentials.

Cyber Essentials Logo

This FAQ will be updated regularly:

What is in the scope of the Cyber Essentials assessment?

Short answer: All of your company technology and information assets.

Long answer: Any company technology that is used to access, manipulate, or transmit business data (think accessing your email, or editing files) then those devices are considered to be within the scope of Cyber Essentials. This also includes Cloud technology such as Microsoft365. The goal of this is to make sure that you are protecting all of your business data wherever it is.

What is "Business Data"?

Are Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) / Personal Computers in scope?

Can I remove parts of my business or some computers from the scope of the assessment?

I don't install the latest security updates immediately. Is this an issue?

I've heard that Cyber Essentials comes with free insurance. Is it actually 'Free'?

Will I need to make changes to my computers?

Will I need to hire someone to set my IT up?

Do I need to complete Cyber Essentials every year?

Will you be testing every device for Cyber Essentials Plus?

Can I run with sudo permissions on Linux?

I'm running as the administrator of my device and I've been told I'm not allowed, how do I change this?

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us directly!



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